Response to a friend Regarding Edward Goldman's "Art Talk" & more

Art content, the arts, education must absolutely be made more accessible if it is to have any worth beyond class and market value. 

Arts & Cultural programming should speak to a BROADER and more diverse audience.

The disregard in contemporary art for the so called "Kitsch/Star Wars populace" is a narrow path ascending a staircase to the golden grand hall of pouffy idiocy. The issues or the discourse remains high above the flock of which it perceives to advance. And then there is funding! Irritated with the lack of support for the arts. The contemporary artist who's work is passed up for a tasty food truck. "They just dun't understand!" "The thing that guy did at the art fair really transfigured our perception of that issue". Yet the Kitschians, or peasants (depending upon your position or relevance in the art world) continue to tastelessly run into walls. They just dun'ts gots da time to pay attention to all that art bULLshit. Cuz they gots to go to work!Worse, find works! It is possible, that Edward Goldman's voice arouses productivity in the "lowest common denominator" as many have said and written, with that Russian spirit of optimism. Helping them to not only clearly understand what, where and when, but WHY Picasso's work is shit.

KCRW "Art Talk" with Edward Goldman
