Response To An Image Posted By A Friend (A Facebook Thread)

The following is a thread I started with a friend regarding a shared image from the World Pantheism. The picture appears to be a cropped propaganda calendar image boasting poor design skills. Motivating one not to be motivated about motivation and that not to be motivated may be quite enough. Further demonstrating this strong point in their placement of text, composition and it's inherent entrapment. Yet, I was for some reason compelled to engage? 

Eric: That's great! Motivational posters for Atheists! I liked War of the Worlds too! "This is it" is like saying "keep it simple stupid". Just a sad one-liner dismissing all the "why's" and "what if's". Simply, VERY SIMPLY, responding to painful personal experiences and/or institutional frustrations. There is far more than the eye can see.  

Man: No the "supernatural" is a dismissal of the "whys". It is the desire to not know. It is a mental illness that says "mystery" is better than knowledge.  

Eric: That is to say "Man"...that all is and can be explained empirically. What is natural is also supernatural. I have just described what I see. I could also say with great confidence that there is a great deal more to this universe than we can see and explain. These limitations are truly binding of all the possibilities. One's potential is not usually seen. But I have an immense faith in the extended version! The supernatural IS "the why". The short version closes all doors complacently behind short lived thoughts, lacking a cause. All the while proclaiming to seek knowledge and justice.

Man: Yes there are many things we can't explain...because we don't understand them yet. To want it to remain that way is to desire willful ignorance. Every effect has a cause. Everything is understandable....eventually.  

Man: The "supernatural" is a distract and a cop out.  

Eric: The supernatural is that which one does not understand yet. There is nothing open minded or scholarly about shutting out a particular school of thought. There is no hope for gain if one is only receptive to one's preferences. Thus is the folly of one group separate from another. The obviousness of this motivational image of sorts is a proclamation of disbelief in a another belief. Using ye old cheese ball Americana one-liner. The supernatural "Man" is the why in the hum-animal pursuit.
