Crime & punishment "The Industry" Prison Profiteers w/Henry Rollins

Crime & punishment is a big American industry. 

Much much more to add that isn't discussed in this film. Illegal immigrants, serve their full sentences in separate facilities and bring in substantial Federal funding. The different branches and departments make profits (mostly generated from government) circulating criminals through the system. Into the jailhouses, high cost transfer fees from one facility to another. Which is one reason why we have so many jails. Mandatory, social programs (AA, CA, NA are a few examples) that serve only to promote more of the same and are required (for government funding) regardless of the type of crime committed. Forced labor on private properties and so much more. So much more! Society, accepts and denies nearly all issues having to do with systems of justice.
Making money on crime and tragedy is after all aggressive capitalism, a form of entrepreneurship, and above all, an American way.


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