Fire in My Belly by David Wojnarowicz, Diamanda Galas


  1. On the controversy and censoring of the video "Fire in My Belly" from the Smithsonian exhibition. What are your thoughts on this issue?

    If we look at history (80's), the curator or director is the sacrificial lamb in this painful scenario. Should they have championed this to the bitter end? Ideally YES! To the last breath! Ideally! Then, I and others who theoretically stand against censorship wouldn't have to do a thing. Safe and secure and without consequence. If we are even to consider this issue in the context of Democracy both oppositions would have to speak up. So far the loudest voice is team #2...

    On censorship:
    If you find a particular work of art or artist disturbing or really rotten, ignore it and turn on THE GAME. Bad art, hate art, shock art, sad art, street art, urban/really-cool/hip art, it all has the right to be seen and hated. However, it would be complete denial and idiocy to claim this video doesn't critically assault Christian dogma. Which is well within the artist's rights. It is also within the rights of those being offended to respond critically NOT censor the sh_t. Can't we all just get along...


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