New Paths To Prosperity or Comfortable Indigence

It's time we explore new paths to prosperity or at least a more comfortable indigence.

My student loan monthly is well over $300 with no end in site. Even with the State grants and scholarships I received. Which have been cut and no longer exist. I still had to take out substantial loans. 

Homeowners are still in deep waters nationally even with bailed out bank's tax payer dollars in their pockets. I would like to propose a mortgage bail out for home owners facing disaster! It's not about you and I or whether or not we managed to pay our debts. But the long term economic problems we as a country face. If we were to throw away or at least set aside partisan differences for the sake of solving critical issues we would see immediate results. That benefit us all! This subject is kind of a fantasy in the existing climate. Though if at least a relative variation of the following were implemented there would be a great deal more productivity and economic growth. 

Lower property taxes. Including on new developments as an incentive for builders and new property owners. 

A mandate that requires banks that accepted tax dollars provide refinancing assistance on home loans approaching and/or in default. 

Forgive student loans at least in part. Possibly in exchange for public service in the graduate's field of expertise. We did this with the G.I. Bill and recently expanded paid college education to the children of those serving in the military. Why not expand this benefit to the private sector. A kind of government grant that benefits both students and their communities. We would probably see vast improvements in all the civil service departments! The government may actually save money on this one! Bringing in qualified, educated, workers who actually know their function. If a college education were available to everyone. There would be less crime and more jobs! Far less dependance or need for social/welfare programs! A much smarter, more diverse and racially balanced work force! So yeah! I am on the student loan forgiveness band wagon and more!
