Hating Art Artist Hate

The following is my response to a section and thread of a friend's post on Facebook. "Do you think hating other artists or types of art is a good thing? Yes or no... and why? What reasons do you think artists use to justify their hate? Have you ever heard about or experienced someone hating your art? If yes, how do you respond or deal with it?

Eric: There is always a rational (subjective good reason) for hate or conflict in art and in life. This emotion is not really a blurred line. There has yet to be and I doubt there ever will be a universal definition of art. Especially, for "good art". The term "high art" or "fine art" is purely elitist and class based. All art is art. The good and the bad in determining value is founded in subjective moral estimation. Regardless, of how discerning one's eye may be or how well versed in art history one has become. The significance of the art is whether or not the artist arrived at their personal objective and/or benefited from the experience. As a viewer, one can simply walk away. This concept would be well applied in all of the seemingly grey areas of life. Too each one's own...
