Evolution, Civilization, Intelligence & Chasing Cats

I often times find myself having to restrain outdoor humans with feral cat issues. Unfortunately, its not quite as simple as it is in the movies. You can't just shoot them in the head or decapitate them. The mob has laws protecting them and yet no medication for this wide spread virus. Sadly, most of these cats, many call feral, are dumped in our back yards by irresponsible dingbats. An outdoor cat's worst enemy is the vacuous, complacent, hungry, hollow, civilized humanoid with a frenzied lust for dominance. They have a thirst to control SOMETHING outside of themselves. This is how many seem to find their ambition, meaning or purpose. Thus, is what would motivate a grown man or woman to chase a cat. Somehow, I feel this reveals something insightful regarding the bigger, overall picture of man, woman and that thing we call civilization.
