Message Thread: Petition Obama to Acknowledge PEAK OIL


- Derald 
Petition President Obama to Acknowledge PEAK OIL
...I think this would be a welcome development...what do you think?

- Eric
Yet, based on the economic state of the country and our immense presence in the Middle East. It would seem our governments efforts are opposite of conservation and clean energy. Especially, considering the bail outs provided to the biggest opposition (automobile companies) to this kind of change. We may not be as optimistic as you regarding this administration. However, with enough signatures, I'd (Eric) bet Obama would include this in A speech. We are more likely to sign and advocate a logical solution/functional plan to overthrowing the oil regimes in the U.S. with pragmatic alternatives. Otherwise, its all about conflict and opposition. 

- Derald
Eric, I appreciate your thoughts - for the most part I think you and I are on the same page. The way the oil industry is structured, the few large majors all stand to reap enormous profits due to scarcity and increasing demand. They are doubtless excited about that and want the next oil shock to come as a genuine surprise to the average U.S. citizen.

Just as with the previous administration, the large corporations fell over themselves to influence Obama's political appointments, and the results have been discouraging.

That being said, if Obama were to say 'hey folks Energy Costs are only going to increase, which means inflation is coming, which means we cannot solve this crisis with fiscal policy alone' that would be amazing (even if he immediately afterward took a consulting job at JP Morgan Chase).

- Eric
It would be a good thing if he were to say those words in a speech. Not so sure it would impact a majority of the people listening. Republicans/conservatives would hear "more liberal propaganda and scare tactics". Democrats would cherish their beloved speaker as "one who truly cares and identifies with not only the middle/underclass, but also Mother Earth" and may even be the 1st to receive a second Nobel Peace Prize. When Gore spoke on the environment he was revered and applauded. Yet all the wheels spitefully keep turning and at an increasing rate. A good show!

To be quite honest, it is my belief that most policies and political agendas and actions by either ruling party are purely propaganda. In the end, you get a token non-functional gesture that becomes a forgotten and mismanaged idea or program. I can draw this conclusion from the micro community social program to full scale war. Its like we never ever ever EVER learn from history...

Don't mean to be a bummer Derald and friends! We will sign this petition. We also actually vote! I've also found myself screaming at a wall and never seem to get a response.

How about a charged marketing plan that SELLS the benefits of alternative energy. Using the country's inherent competitive drive, a game of sorts and create a context of new energy as individual, free, high class and sexy. It has to sell, work and even get you off. I want to hear the specifics on better, cheaper and more efficient alternatives. With flashing, moving images, a catchy soundtrack and told by sculpted, air brushed, pop icons with small noses.

- Marisol
I've truly enjoyed reading these ideas. I'm not only concerned about oil, although that is a huge one, I'm also worried about all the "stuff" we have and all the trash we are creating. What are we going to do with all of that? The planet is only so big. Are we just going to launch it into space now? Thoughts? Or is this a one crisis at a time conversation? :)

In any case Eric I think you are right unless we make these ideas profitable and exclusive somehow, people won't buy in.

 - Daniel
marisol, the size of the planet isnt an issue when it comes to trash. Remember - all that mass originated here, anyway.

The issue with trash is usability vs toxicity during the period of biodegradation, which can last up to a million year or more for some of the chemicals we create, and resource depletion.

- Eric
Marisol, this is another important issue. As the dumps are actually filling up and we are pouring waste (toxic) into our oceans and even our reservoirs. For example, Barrett lake in SD. There was (is?) a prison camp adjacent that directed its sewage into our drinking water. This responsible management of waste is also very relative to the oil-energy thread. The many spills could have been avoided if all preventative measures had been taken. But, that would cost.

The easiest thing to do is depend on elected big shots to devise and resolve our collective problems. The most difficult approach is to engage the solutions to your individual concerns. At least, I find this more difficult. I have been constructing a think tank project that will provide and foster collective problem solving. The following is a web platform and venue to address solutions to issues you are concerned with. Any topic, from political to personal social and domestic problems. The idea endeavors to inspire an objective, critical thinking peoples forum that abandons partisanship and group separatism for the sake of solving all of our problems.
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